All News
- Apr 2019: a piece about the DarkGRA and FunGraW projects by Anthony King for the EU Horizon Magazine
- Dec 2018: contribution the COST Action NewCompstar dissemination movie.
- Oct 2018: an interview for the TV Show "Vita da Ricercatore" (Researcher's Life) [Rai Scuola]
- Mar 2018: an update about gravitational-wave searches for echoes by Sabine Hossenfelder on Quanta Magazine
- Feb 2018: the paper "Probing Planckian corrections at the horizon scale with LISA binaries" by Maselli+ has been selected as an Editors' Suggestion in Physical Review Letters
- Jul 2017: I was one of the lecturers of the International Science Journalism School "Unveiling the Universe: when Science hits the News" at the astonishing Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice (Sicily)
- Apr 2017: Richard Brito won the Prémio Abreu Faro for the best PhD thesis. The ceremony will be on May 23rd. Kudos Richard!
- Mar 2017: Sabine Hossenfelder has made an interesting coverage of gravitational-wave echoes
- Mar 2017: our paper "Testing Strong Gravity with Tidal Love Numbers" has been selected as an Editor Suggestion in PRD
- Jan 2017: the piece "Linking Waves to Particles" by V. Cardoso and myself features the Jan/Feb 2017 Special Issue of CERN Courier on the discovery of gravitational waves
- Dec 2016: my student Elisa Maggio defended her master thesis and graduated with maximum marks!
- 10 Dec 2016: our work on gravitational-wave echoes from quantum corrections at the horizon scale was covered in Nature News and in Le Scienze, following this paper that claim to have found evidence of echoes in LIGO data [see also our original work here]
- 26 Sept 2016: my students Nicola Franchini and Laura Sberna obtained a master degree with maximum marks!
- 12 Sept 2016: I've been awarded the 2016 SIGRAV Prize! The ceremony was held at the XXII SIGRAV Conference in Cefalu' and covered by Media INFN.
- Sept 2016: I will give a series of lectures on Gravitational Waves at the EAG8 School in Lisbon and at the Invisible16 School, at SISSA. Some material can be found here.
- 27 April 2016: the paper "Is the Gravitational-Wave Ringdown a Probe of the Event Horizon?" by Cardoso, Franzin, Pani was selected as Editors' Suggestion by Physical Review Letters and features the cover of PRL Vol. 116, Iss. 17 — 29 April 2016
- 2 March 2016: "Black-hole laboratories in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy", CQG+ article on the CQG Focus Issue
- 23 February 2016: Gravitational Waves: the music of spacetime (in Italian) organized by the "AstronomiAmo" Club
- 16 February 2016: The paper "Tensor-multi-scalar theories: relativistic stars and 3 + 1 decomposition" by M. Horbatsch et al. has been selected by the Editors of IOP
- 19 January 2016: My contribution (in Italian) to the web conference organized by the "AstronomiAmo" Club
- 22 December 2015: NewScientist's article on my recent paper on "Binary Pulsars as Dark-Matter Probes"
- 14 October 2015: CQG+ article on our recent paper on multiscalarization
- 03 August 2015: Springer's book "Superradiance" is out
- 11 June 2015: CQG+ article on our recent paper
- 10 June 2015: Focus Issue on "Black Holes as Fundamental Fields", Guest Editors: Paolo Pani & Helvi Witek
- 6 June 2015: The video of my talk on superradiant instabilities @ The Fields Institute in Toronto